Tagged: software

Introduction of client types 0

Introduction of Client Types

Thick Client refers to a computer that relies on its processing power, and it doesn’t connect to any powerful server. It works just like independent device. Regular computers are in this category as they...

uml_class_diagram 0

Multiplicity Relationship in Class Diagram

First of all, let’s start with the meaning of multiplicity. Multiplicity is a relationship between two related classes refers to the other. For instance; a mother has kids; kids have a mother. First one...


Free Antivirus for Mac

If you have a Mac, do you need to get an antivirus software? Yes, you have to get an antivirus to protect your Mac. Macs are not unhackable. Here is the free antivirus software...


How to change display name on NEC Digital Phone System

First, go to web browser (recommend IE) and type NEC server Ip address. Username: USER1 password: 1111 After login in your NEC phone system, click Telephone Setting. When getting the Telephone Setting, click details...